
               Bhanthe Baminiyanvila Dhammaloka

Venerable Baminiyanvila Dhammaloka was born at Baminiyanvila in the District of Hambantota in Sri Lanka, on October 6, 1979. He had his primary education at Jayanthi Viduhala at Baminiyanvila.
On May 6, 1993, at the age of thirteen, he was ordained a samanera (novice) at Subodharamaya at Thissamaharama. This was under the tutelage of the Most Venerable Athbatuwe Hemaloka Mahathera. From 1993 to 1997, he was a student at Rathanapala Primary Pirivena (Migadaya Buddhist Monastic School) at Matara. He then got admitted to the most prestigious seat of Buddhist learning in Sri Lanka, the Viddyodaya Pirivena Colombo where he studied from 1997 to 2001.
In 2002, he entered the University of Kelaniya and obtained his M.A. in 2007. He continued his monastic education and obtained the highest qualification of the pandit degree. He received Upasampada (Higher Ordination) at Supreme Patriarch of Siyam Maha Nikaya (Fraternity) of Sri Lanka. This took place at Malwatha Maha Vihara, Kandy, on May 20, 2005.
Venerable Dhammaloka Thera was principal of Dharmajayanthi Dhamma School Sri Mangalaramaya at Kawdana Dehiwala from 2004 to 2008. He was also a teacher at Gurukanda College at Induruwa Aluthgama.
When he left for the USA, he was a student of the post-graduate department of the University of Kelaniya for his MPhil/. In 2008, he assumed the duties of Buddhist spiritual and academic service as a resident monk at the Georgia Buddhist Vihara under the Most Venerable Thripitakawedi Panamwela Wajirabuddhi Thero, the chief incumbent of the Georgia Buddhist Vihara, in recognition of his deep understanding of the Dhamma and his devotion to the service of the Buddha Sasana in Sri Lanka and abroad.
He is the president of the Alabama Buddhist a spiritual teacher in the State of Alabama,.